©ft ®rmn Jlatlg JBulkfm Vol. 8 TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, OCT. 7, 1935 Est. 1-31-28 ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON. N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Former Try on Woman Dies Mrs. Geraldine Gaines Presson, 37, wife of Lawrence Presson, of Concord, died Sunday morning at 7 o’clock of pneumonia. Funeral services will be held this afternoon (at Monroe, N. C. A number of ’friends from Tryon will attend the services. Mrs. Presson was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wright Gaines of Tryon and she haiu many friends in this community. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, Lawrence, Jr., 12 years old, and two brothers, Roy and Paul. Gongregationalists Gall New Pastor The members of Erskine Memo rial Congregational church voted Sunday to call to their pastorate Dr. C. Arthur Lincoln of Miami Beach, Fla. Dr. Lincoln, who is president of the Cbngregational Christian churches conferences of the Southeast and a director of ^welfare work in Florida, preached jin the Tryon church on Sunday morning, September 22. Dr. Lin coln is a graduate of Amherst college and of Hartford Theolo gical seminary. He has been at Miami Beach for nine years and has taken an active part in com munity and inter-denomination af fairs. ' While in Tryon Dr. and Mrs. Lincoln and two daughters were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Chas. G. Sewall. Polk County Apple Show in Tryon on Oct. 11 and 12, next to Slack’s Pharmacy. ** Citizens Meeting Called Tuesday A mass meeting of all citizens interested in entertaining the travel agency officials here on Oc tober 17., has been called to be held at Missijdine’s (hall on Tuesiday night sit 7:30. Anyone having suggestions to offer is urged to at tend this meeting. General Chair man C. J. Lynch states that the general committee will meet imme diately after the mass meeting. “Comments on the tour have re cently appeared in the New York Times, Boston Post, Pittsburgh Pest Gazette, Detroit Free Press and other Eastern papers. “The Board of Directors of the Carolina Motor club in session on October 4th expressed the opinion that this was the biggest effort ever undertaken to merchandise our resorts, scenic and historic points. “Some of the towns are plan ning elaborate entertainment and souvenirs for the guests. This is all splendid and very greatly ap preciated, but any kind of enter tainment must permit us to keep on our schedule; any night time entertainment we hope will not be so severe that some of our guests will be unable to get up on time the next morning.” Kiwanis Tuesday C. M. Howes will have charge of the Tryon Kiwanis club pro gram on Tuesday at 1 p. m., at Edgewood Inn. Carroll P. Rogers will present the current events.