KEEPING UP WITH THE TIMES! At MISSILDINE’S Phone 4 Mrs. George A. Cathey has re ceived notice of her appointment chairman for Polk county of the North Carolina League for Crip pled Children, an organization that seeks to aid crippled children in this state. The appointment was made by Mrs. Jack Messer, of Wnynesville, district official for Western Notrth Carolina. PLANT LESPEDEZA AND MOREPEDEZA. Newcomers to Tryon can the modern sanitary way, just by telephoning 212 for Rector's Laundry w*__ get prompt Service v isitors to Tryon may subscribe for the Bulletin for four months for 50c, delivered routes or am oi1 CVe aai Ice Creamery RICHELIEU SPECIALS No. 2 can Pitted Black Cherries _40c No. 2 Yi can Sweet Pickled Pears __30c No. 2V2 can Raggedy Anne Peaches _35c No. 2 can Fancy Tiny Artichokes -—43c ‘2l/i cn. Sweet Pickle whole Crabapple _29c No. 2 x/i can Raggedy Ann Pineapple . 35c 1 pound Preserved Fruit - - -50c 2 pounds 5 oz. Preserved Oranges , -98c 14 oz. Package Assorted Candies , . ,29c The Ballenger Co. For Reasonable Prices