[he Tfyon Gaily Bulletin Seth M. Vining. Editor PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEFI SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Hein, who have been spending some time in Florida on their way home to Glencoe, III, vfere guests of Mr. and Mrs. A/W. Brintnall at their home in the Valley. Also Mrs. William T. Grey of Evanston, 111., and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Brion of Glencoe, 111., were guests while on their way to Charleston. Col. Luke Lea, Tennessee pub lisher-politician, who has been in Raleigh prison for the past two y&ars in connection with Asheville bhnk failures, was paroled today by Governor Ehringhaus. 7,000 Ethiopians were killed yes terday by the Italians. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Ladies and gentlemen, wear a gardenia on your riding suit to the Horse Show. Spectators wear carnations. Order now before the rush. Bamboo Fiber Flower Shop, opposite Dr. Derby.—Adv. eod. Newspaper Reporters—You are in a great training school for the profession of* Advertising. Learn technique thro ugh interesting home study course. M. G. Potter, Representative, International Cor respondence Schools, 191 Carlisle St., Spartanburg, S. C.—Adv. 234 ! Peoples Insurance Agency j j J. B. Hester; Mgr j ALL KINDS of INSURANCE ! Phone 37 [ • Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C. ! Proper arrangement of an estate may prevent forced liquidation due to the new inheritance tax laws. j W. R. JACKSON j Will present the “Easter Parade” of the newest cHothies, including spec tator and active sports, street, afternoon and evening models. Styles for the SMART WOMAN and for the sophisticated Miss will be shown with proper accessories. Under the auspices and for the benefit of— St. Luke’s Hospital Thursday Evening, April 2ndj 8:jo to 10:30 P. M. y/X At 'OAK IIALL ADMISSION—50c