FRIGIDAIRE Is Always At The Top NEW RELIEF SETUP -Continued from Page One attend the meeting at Columbus to hear the program. After the address by Administra tor Hopkins, Attorney Jack Ar ledge of Tryon spoke to the work ers on what the WPA had accom plished in and for Polk county. Attorney Arledge stated that in the future the wages paid will be in accordance with local wages and also, that work will be available for deserving college and high school pupils to help pay tuitions and other educational expenses. A complete account of this meet ing will be published in this week’s Polk County News. LOTS FOR SALE—At a bar gain in Tryon and Columbus. Electricity and water available. George A. Cathey, phone 138— Adv. 3teod. THE BOYS CLUB --Continued from Pape One not that money available he may earn the money by doing some necessary work for which he will be paid. Some generous people have given some funds for this sert of aid, a sort of scholarship fund. Welcome, boys, to the sec ond season of the Tryon Boys club! Old Mauma’s Recipe which read “Take a gourde of sugar, butted the size of a turkey egg, etc.—” Isn’t very definite, so we go mod ern and use the standard measures with her old recipe. We fill short notice orders for cakes, cookies, bread, rolls, candy, grape fruit peel and cheese appetizers for “The Master’s Cocktail.” On sale at Ballanger's Saturday or call Mrs. Millikin at 171-W—Adv. The BULLETIN—$1.50 A Year New Shipment Today Doncaster Dresses MADE TO ORDER In Flowered Print Pique, Imported Non-Crushable Linen, Light weight Flannel, Silks and Prints Mrs. Sadie T. Wood Telephone 225 or 99