BILTMORE ICE CREAM Delivered Any Time .... Missildine’s Pharmacy, ph. 4 FILLERS -Continued from Page One affection and they are all right when used by admirers but they are not so hot when the general public makes use of them. Lefty Flynn, Babe Ruth, Pepper Martin, Connie Mack, and other notables are exceptions because they are public mm and people dont say Mr. Martin or Mr. Ruth any more than they do Mr. George Washing ton or Mr. Benjamin Franklin, etc. As proof that nick names are pro ducts of love and affection just drop the “dear”, “honey” or what evrr the average husband and wife call each other and substi tute their proper names and see hew cold thev feel toward each other when the man calls his wife “Mrs. Jones” end she calls him “Mr. Jones” and both are verv polite and formal. A minister’s wife once told me that when her Hjsband was peeved at her he would be extremelv polite and an swer, “ves, madam,” or “No madam,” and the politeness would only serve to make her angry. It isn’t what you say that counts, but how you say it. One little boy said his teacher loved him the best because she called him her angel, but another little boy said his teacher loved him better than that because she called him her little devil. THE BULLETIN—$1.50 a year. TTRYON’S gprf) heatrE; Phone 186 FRIDAY ONLY ITS A GREAT LIFE With JOE MORRISON PAUL KELLY CHARLES “Chic” SALE ROSALIND KEITH Greatest Advanced Ay^ust Fur Sale Will Take Place In Our Store y and Tuesday, July 27th and 28th \ Watch for big advertisement in The Hendersonville Times - News of Saturday La VOGUE Opposite Post Office Hendersonville, N. C.