ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3,1879 ©t t ®rmm Satin Sulktut * v_ (^ (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 9, Est. 1-31-28 At the (Uijurcbes METHODIST Church school, 10 a. m. Epworth League, 6:15 p. m. Evening worship, 8 p. m. Ser- Wn by Dr. J. L. Stokes. (The Sa luda revival" will run throughout this week each evening at 8 p. m. Dr. Stokes preaching). Rev. L. R. Akers, Jr., Pastor. FIRST BAPTIST lO a. m., Bible school. 11 a. m., morning sermon. Subject, '“The Way, the Truth, the Life.” Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock. Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor. LYNN BAPTIST lO a. m., Bible school. 7:45 p. m., evening worship, sermon subject, “The First Psalm.” Prayed service Thursday evening at 7:45 p. m. Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor. SECOND BAPTIST—Morning sermon subject, “Signs of the Coming of Christ” Night, “The Coming of the Son of Man.” Rev. A. T. Howard, Pastor. \ FREEWILL BAPTIST Ser vices at 11 a. m.. and Bp. m. Rev. J. E. Bailey, Pastor. CONGREGATIONAL, Erskine Memorial—ll a. m., Dr. C. Arthur Lincoln, Pastor, preaching. Sub ject, “Accept No Substitutes.” Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., Nel son Jackson, Jr v superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN—Tryon, Sun day school 10 a. m. Christian En deavor, 6 p. m. Preaching service. 3 p. m. Subject, “Light Out of Darkness. Columbus, preaching service, 11 a. m. Subject, “The Work of God.” Rev. D. M. Mc- Geachv, Minister. CATHOLIC, St. John’s church— Continued on Bock Page TRYON, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1936 WOULD YOU? Would you give a dollar to save your neighbor’s house from fire? Have you ever heard the words, “Fireman Save My Child”? Did you know that there is a small number of Tryon men drilling and training regularly without pay in order to have skill and to be in condition to save your house from fire and maybe your child from death? Some Tryon people know this and appreciate the work the local firemen do and have given them cash donations and presents frcm time to time in order that the firemen may have the proper equip ment and inspired spirit to do their work better. Now, they need about SIOO to complete their head quarters over the Town offices. A five dollar or one dollar donation, cr as much as you feel able to give will be appreciated by the firemen. And listen, this work ought to be completed right away. You wouldn’t want them to take their t’me in coming to your res cue at a fire. There is always more joy in volunteered contributions. And this is a volunteer fire depart ment. Storm Hits Coast A 75-mile wind on the Atlantic Coast from North Cai’olina to New Jersey too 44 lives Friday. 67 per sons are repoi’ted missing. Many small ships are unaccounted for. Passenger and freight ships are hugging sheltered spots. Historic Alcazar fortress in Spain blown up by loyal soldiers. 700 people believed killed.