ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3,1879 t ®rgrm ;@mlu (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 9, Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N, C., THURSDAY, OCT. 15, 1936 In Asheville Vice-president W. A. Schilletter cf the Western Carolina Teachers Association, Rev. D. M. McGeachy, and Mr. and Mrs. Seth M. Vining will attend the Laymen’s banquet A n d pageant tonight at the Lee Jdwards high school in Asheville. The pageant is entitled, “One Hundred Years of Educational Progress” and will be presented by the teachers of Western North Carolina who will hold their regu lar convention on Friday and Sat urday. D. Hiden Ramsey, Gener rl_ Mr.nr.gcr cf the Citizen-Times will be the toastmaster at the banquet tonight. An Improvement for Tryon Theatre Fans The new Mirrorphonic equip ment which makes moving pictures more natural both to the eye and the ear, will be installed in the -Ljarolinas first at the Tryon Theat \ within the next few days, ac- j x-urding to Manager C. W. Nes- i smith. This is a distinct achievement for Tryon and Mr. Nessmith. As soon as the equipment is installed a preview of an important picture will be held to which theatre offi cials all over the two Carolinas will be invited. The reason Try on was chosen for the preview is because it is one of the few inde pendent theatres using Westing house Sound equipment and is the first with its contract expiring with the privilege of getting the improvements. Gcinrad at Rotary C. H. Conrad will have charge of the Tryon Rotary Club program on Friday at Oak Hall hotel at 1 p. m. The chief speaker will be Ralph C. Erskine, who will talk on “Furniture.” Miss Durand Miss Frances E. Durand, a win ter resident of' Tryon for fourteen years, passed away early this morning at her home on Laurel avenue. Funeral services will •be held on Saturday morning at home at 11 o’clock. Baby Passes Myrtice Jane, 28 months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brown low Parker, died Wednesday af ternoon about 2 o’clock. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3 o’clock at Friendship Bap tist church. Visit Shelby The Hon. F. P. and Hon. C. P. Rogers will attend the Shelby Ki wanis club this evening. Hospital News Donald Ross and Annie Grace Gibson of Columbus had tonsil op erations this afternoon at St. Luke’s hospital. M. E. McEntire of Columbus is in St. Luke’s hospital suffering from serious chest wounds as the result of an auto collision today at Mill Spring.