ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3,1879 (Lirytm JJmlg (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 9, Est. 1-31-28 Kiwanians Elect Officers for 1937 At the ousiness session of the —y Tryon Kiwanis club held on Tues day in Columbus with President C. J. Lynch presiding, the follow ing officers and directors were elected for the year 1937: Presi dent, K. A. Bowen; vice-president, R. H. Brady; treasurer, C. J. Lynch; directors, Hoyt 0. Prince, J. E. Brownlee, L. A. Avant, C. I*. Rogers, J. A, Wilson and J. N. J ackson. Interesting Dairy Meeting on Tuesday The chief feature of the Tryon Kiwanis program on Tuesday in Columbus was a dairy program put on by County Agent J. A. Wilson who had invited a num ber of progressive farmers to at tend the meeting and bring their -purebred registered bulls to exhibit. The cattle attracted a lot of fav orable attention. The club meet ing was presided over by Presi dent C. J. Lynch. In addition to a goodly number of prominent farmers there were a number of prominent out-of-town people in- Continued on Page Six Democrats To Meet There will be a Democratic meet ing in Missildine’s Hall at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, October 22. All Democrats, both ladies and gentlemen, are urged to be present as there are many important mat ters to be discussed. TRYON, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, OCT 21, 1936 Our California ’ Correspondent October 15, 193 b Dear Mr. Vining: I wonder how many Tryonitea have heard of the Federal Theatre Program? This splendid organi zation is at work all over the United States, giving employment to thousands of unemployed actors and actresses, writers, musicians, even vaudeville performers- Here in Los Angeles County 1530 men and women are pursuing their chosen careers in the theatre be cause of the generosity and far sightedness of our present govern ment. I use the term “far-sight* edness” advisedly, for this great program is doing more for the fu ture of the American stage than iny actor, director or produce. - ' could hope to do in a lifetime. It is giving the discouraged, the in ex-cri: need, and the ones who just couldn’t get a “break” (the theatre is full of these) a chance to prove their ability. Every day talent is being found in the ranks of these formerly useless citizens and they are working their way to the too with regular companies on the legitimate stage or in pictures be cause of this boost from Uncle Sam. But the greatest service the Federal Theatre is offering is to the American public. We as a people are now primarily “movie-minded”, because the mov ies are inexpensive enough for all. Well, the Federal Theatre is offer ing really first-class expert ly staged at approximately the cost per seat of a good movie. The pub lic is gradually becoming —Continued on Back Page