The tryon Daily Bulletin Seth M. Vining. Editor Published Every Day Except Sunday Andrew Loring Rowe of Phil adelphia will arrive today for a ten days vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rowe. Mr. and Mrs. EdwaM Fisher have returned from a visit to Charlestown, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Camper of Washington, D.C. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.L. F. Euchanan. Mr. Camper is proof reader in the government printing office where he has been for the past 19 years. 5.000 people are employed in the government printing office, which has some of the most modern eq equipment made. The Bulletin was honored in having a visit from Mr. Camper. Mrs. B. W. Peasley and Miss Laura Peasley will arrive today from New England for their an nual stay in Tryon and will occu py Mrs. T. L. Macdonald’s home. The Tryon Kiwanis club will meet on Tuesday at 1 p. m. at Ho tel Tryon with Hoyt O. Prince in charge of the program. They are dyeing at Rector’s. Rummage Sale St. Agnes Guild, Parish House, Saturday, November 7th. Those having rummage call 195 or 43.—Adv. Oct. 24, 27, 31; Nov. 4, ’ AIR CONDITIONING IS BOOMING. There is already a shortage of trained men, with the country-wide activity in this new industry. In your spare time you can become an Air Conditioning expert,as thousands have done with I. C. S. training. M. G. Potter Representative, International Cor respondence Schools, 191 Carlyle St. Spartanburg, S. C. WHEN YOU WANT A BET TER TYPEWRITER apply to Seth M. Vining, representative of the Underwood Typewriter Co.— Oranges, doz. 30c 200 size Turnip Greens 2 lb. 15c Big Lemons, doz .30 Spinach, lb. 10c Bunch Turnip 2 for 15d Carrots, 3 bnchs 25c Bananas lb. 5c Okra lb. 10c Yellow Squash lb 10c Green Beans, lb. 5c Egg Plant, lb. sc. 9 Yellow Onions 5 lb lOd — 9 Grapefruit, ea. 5c THE BALLENGER COMPANY