FRIGIDAIRE Is Always At The Top A FILLER Continued on Back Cage visiting guests support, con sider this long list of really worth while causes: American Woman’s Hospitals. Advertising Stunts. Athletics (many). Boy Scouts. Country Club. Chamber of Commerce. Civic Clubs (many). Churches (12). Christmas Funds. Fire Department. Garden Club Projects. Harmon Field. Helping Hand. Lanier Library. Missionary Societies. Negro Welfare. P.-T. A. Political Clubs. Riding & Hunt Club. Red Cross. Rural Aids (many). Salvation Army. St, Luke’s Hospital. There may be others but these just c?me to mind and will do to help show our readrs the stagger ing load that (local people are 1 called upon to suonort. If it were not for the kindly interest and generosity of our winter guests it would be impossible to carry on, for Tryon and surrounding sec tion have only a few industries and no large agricultural income. CARRUTH’S CAFE Regular Home-Cooked Meals SHORT ORDERS SANDWICHES —Next To— Carruth’s Liquor Store Phone 33 Landrum, South Carolina Then when this' little is divided with shopping in Spartanburg, Asheville and other places the lo cal fellow who has to make his liv ing in Tryon suffers. The Bulletin gladly gives thou sands of dollars worth of free publicity to these various civic causes and the editor is glad to swap and trade with subscribers and advertisers for almost any thing of value they have to offer. The only time we squeal is when a merchant has ten dollars appro priated for advertising and some outside promoter with an tising scheme gets a big that money in the name of .some civic cause, and the merchant can’t afford to advertise in his home town paper. That takes bread away from The Bulletin which has to be on the job for the community every day in the week; the schem er doesn’t stop there but also in the name of a civic cause asks the editor to give a lot of free publi city. As a matter of self preser vation to keep the Bulletin going, we have declared war. N. C. escaped convict is taken in gun battle. Burnsville man is wounded twice, but condition be lieved not serious. LOST: Black and tan hound pup with name marked on collas* Finder please notify Hen Shankle.—Adv.