iiSJlk llFederal Savings Rand loan association Boy Scout Court of Honor meet ing at the Tryon school building, Friday night. Novxneber 20, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Shelnutt at tended the Duke-Carolina football game at Chapel Hill on Saturday. They stopped by Spartanburg to get Miss Betty Shelnutt, who came up from Brenau Academy at Gainesville, Ga., and they were al so accompanied by John David Mc- Geachy of Davidson college, who met them in Charlotte. Attorney and Mrs. M. R. Mc- Cown spent the week-end in Ral eigh, Mr. McCown returns today while Mrs. McCown will remain for a longer visit at the home of her uncle, D. D. Watson, who is ill. We have the sort of things you like—A selection of wall papers that you cannot beat anywhere. THE BLUE DOOR E. Main tft. Spartanburg Peoples Insurance Agency j ( J. B. Hester. Mgr j ALL KINDS of INSURANCE J Phone 37 | Hester Bldg. Tiyon, N. C. iaundnes ~Gu#rd PUBUC HEALTH Rector’s Laundry Phone 212 Helps to Build Your Community and Assure you ol Financial Security Mrs. H. B. Watkins of Belton, S. C., spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. R. H. Brady. Many people in the county are without reading matter. Please leave old magazines, etc., at the Bulletin office, or call Major Sharp. ELECTRICIANS MAKE REAL MONEY. No profession offers wider range of opportunities, better chances to earn increasing ly large pay. But technical train ing is essential—and the I. C. S. can give you this training. M. G. Potter, Representative, Interna tional Correspondence Schools, 191 Carlyle St., Spartanburg, S. C.—Adv. 14, 16, 17. C r I Winter is coming! But I’ll # come through frozen wires I and do hot and cold jobs 1 with the same wire. I Duke Power Co. Pl)°§ j|€bg( ID -035 ".mi. -S fff.r'oFr