The Irjoii iiasij Bulletin Seth M. Vining. Editor tublished Every Day Except Sunday Mrs. Emily D. Beattie has moved from Tryon Lodge to the B. B. Bishop, Jr., house on Godshaw Hill. Mrs. P. B. Whittemore of And over, Mass., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drew in Gillette Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimberly of Neenah, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Owings of Chicago are spending a week in the J. C. Kim jberly house. C. N. Sayre has returned from Salem. Ind., where he attended the wedding of his daughter. Miss Mary Sayre. Speaking on Bob Ripley’s pro gram Sunday night a son of the former King of Spain said that he didn’t care for the formality of royal life and that he was go ing to make America his home gecause it was democratic. How ever, he said it grieved him to know that his people in Spain were killing one another and de stroying the beautiful city in which he was born. The count is making his living by writing articles. Entertain Your Friends= At The TRYON COUNTRY CLUB Golf -;- Tennis GREEN FEES—Per day, $1; week, $5;, sls J. D. Drew has returned from a visit in the EasL Colored P.-T. A. meeting tonight at 7:30 p. m. All friends and patrons are requested to be pres ent. Hable Hannon, president; L. K. Weils, principal. TTRYON’S Jfßi HEATRL WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY November 18, 19 Shirley Temple, Alice Faye, Gloria Stuart in “Poor Little Rich Girl” It is impossible to film a more dramatic ... a more heart touch ing picture than this latest pic ture, starring Shirley Temple. Sh? not only touches your heart . . .she climbs right in . . . When you laughi and love her the most . . . That’s when you are nearest to tears ... You will never believe how great this picture is until you see it. With the same pro gram is a delightful Comedy and Travelogue.