(Section II) tErgmt ,JWm’s i\ss’n. YOL. 1 DECEMBER 15, 1936 NO. 1 EDITORIAL By J. E. Derby A short time ago five Tryon business and professional men met to discuss the possibility of form ing a Young Men’s Association or club which would in some measure direct the activities of our boys from sixteen to sixty (no age limit has as yet been established). Nothing has been made apparent to even the most casual observer than the fact that Tryon’s young men have had nothing, especially no organized activity with which to fill their idle hours. Y. M. C. A.’s and similar organizations have long since proven the value of a club such as has been or ganized. The Tryon Young Men’s Associa tion is here to stay although as yet no charter has been adopted. A Committee of boys and men are making a study of similiar clubs over the country and in a few weeks a charter will be adopted. No member of this organization carries a subscription pad, but we do want and need members who will join us and stand by through this period of construction. It is the purpose of this Asso ciation to make available to the boys games and athletics such as pool, billiards, cards, basketball, volley ball, and hand-ball in a place where they will feel welcome and in comfort and good fellow ship. Anyone who wishes to know what success we have met with so far should ask the attendants &t filling stations and other places whei’e the boys have heretofore loaded away the hours, or ask our police what has happened since this club started three weeks ago. Everyone in the club pays dues, $1 a, month, and works when as signed to a task. It is our inten tion to furnish our own labor to build our hand-ball courts, bowling alley, shower baths and dressing rooms. Everyone pays, works and plays. We already have seventy five paid memberships. We wish to thank our friends who have given us their assis tance in so many ways, and we partciularly wish* to thank the kind friend who brought us the idea of having this section of The Bulletin as a means of making pub lic the activities of the club. It is her belief that young men need channels through which to express their ideas, publish their events, in short, take their place beside the adults in the press. She asked that her gift of SSO with which to start this work be kept anony mous, but it comes at such a time that the temptation to thank her publicly is almost too great. This good friend is also giving her ser vices in assisting the boys who will report and edit this page which is to appear once each week in The Bulletin. Mr. Vining very generously offers to include this page as a section of his paper. The purpose of this club is? to promote good fellowship among our boys and to all. We trust that we will be able to compen sate Mr, Vining for his kindness by making this page one which will be of interest to the readers of The Bulletin. CLUB ROOM NEWS Forty-five members have thus far availed themselves to privi leges and games in the clpb room. In spite of the fact we have only two pool tables and two ping-pong tables, these members have enjoy ed four pleasant evenings in the club room, to say nothing of Sat urday and Sunday afternoons. You will notice that our membership has increased almost fifty percent Continued on Next Page •