McConnell Bros. LANDRUM, S. C. BIG FEBRUARY SALE—IO days only! Buy Now —Goods Going Higher $8.50, 9x12 Congoleum Rugs __ _ $3.48 $3.95 Silk Crepe Dresses $1.95 $2.50 Silk Crepe Dresses $1.48 h yd. 56, 60, 36-in. Sheeting 12 l-2c value 8 l-2c 200 prs. Children Shoes and Oxfords, values up to $3, per pair 95c 9-4 Sheeting (this less factory cost), yd. 18c 8-oz.Aca Feather Ticking, yd.. 19c SEE THESE! $3.50 Italian Spreads at v $1.50 Men’s Dress Shirts, this sale only 39c J&P Coates Thread, this sale 4c $12.50 Ladies Coats, close out - $6.48 Heavy Straw Bed Ticking, yard 10c 15cj 32-in. Apron Gingham, fine quality, at yard 10c $6.95 Ladies Coats, close out $3.48 All Fall and Winter Ladies Felt Hats 25c and 48c Ladies’ Full-Fashioned Pure Silk Cannonette Hose, $1 value, while they last, pair 25c feOOO yards 36-in. Prints 10, 15, and 19c Kinds in Seconds at 8 l-3c yd. Visit us often. We are always glad to have you. Leave your packages here while in town. We want you to feel like it’s home. McConnell brothers “The Busy Store”