ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928. AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON. N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3.1879 ®je ©mm IBailg (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 10, Est. 1-31-28 “CURB” REPORTER Short vfcit with Secretary Ken neth Alton Bowen to the Tryon Country club. The smell of Bon \ Ami and polished floors, freshly painted chairs and tables. Two ladies are opening the club house for teas. Baxter Haynes walks across the new polished floors with a lot of respect and changes to golf shoes on outside. Nelson Jackson, Jr., drives up and joins him in a round of golf. A dozen kids are having the time of their the swimming poo 1 .. Stick, ing my head thru the locker room window hear a buzzing sound. A spider has caught a fly in its web. A dirt dauber house nearby where the spider will wind up. A lot of old: paper and trash around the caddies’ bench, but what a day! cool, beautiful, and those greens so pretty—enough to make a fellow an artist or writer, or sumpn’ . . . Up and coming hotels have their own pub licity department to Supply newish papers over the country the names of guests from their cities. It would help a lot if Trvon hotels would just call the bulletin. . . . Here’s a card from the Barbizon. Plaza overlooking Central Park, N. Y. It saw: “Mrs. Harold W. Crandall” is there, 6-28-37 . \ . Card from Charles G. Sewall, Christmas Cove, Me., says that he Continued on tsacK Page TRYON, H C., WED,, Closes On Monday At Landrum, S. C. All the business houses in Land rum will close on Monday, July sth, in celebration of Independence Day which falls this year on Sun day, July' 4th. Rotary At Lake The Tryon Rotary club will meet on Friday at 1 p. m., at Lake Lanier Inn with Nelson Jackson, Jr., in charge of the program. Flrnest and Miles iMiaiuney, the noted twin pianists of Kings Mt. who are 12 year old Scouts, and are now at Camp on Lake Lanier, will render a musical program and Scout Executive “Bud” Schiele will make a talk. Scout Trading Bill ElfriPk, who is in the World Jamboree srroup with Nel son Jackson, III* writes that Scouts from all over the United States are trading souvenirs from their home towns for souvenirs from other places, so 200 copies of the World’s Smallest "Daily Newspaper is going forward today to BTI r or trading purposes with nth e" Scouts. Seth Viining, Jr., is getting his first thrifts at see ing big steam boats going up and down the Potomac. All boys re port having a good time. Seth, Bill Derby and Jimmv Jackson are in Troop 32 of Shelby. Jimmy says “I think we’ll get to see the All-Star ball game.” JUNE, 30, 1937