MARCONI DEAD! Noted Italian inventor pf wire less radio passed away Monday night. MARCONI What name should be on every tongue When silver bugle calls are flung With magic, o’er the seas— When kings can greet their realms afar As one might call from star to star — And words soar on the breeze? MARCONI! Who lured the! pathways from the sk y - earth, to catch all melody, And wing our words along? Who bent the star-path to his will, That they might glow and sing and thrill Our earthly ears with song? MARCONI! Who, with his magic, blessed Who won this realm with God-like mindi And heaven’s tongue to earth in. dined? MARCONI! (Hilda von Siller). BBEfef C 7*6eM.mW eattfie M cffyoubfat/PT Anything you wear the Moth will eat. Cleaning and storage in genuine Moth Seal Bags will keep you from such embarrassment Rector’s Gleaners SCOUTS TONIGHT Scoutmaster W. A. Schilletter stated today that the Tryon Boy Scout Troop No. 1 will meet to night at 7:30 at the gymnasium. This will be the first meeting since the National Jamboree in Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Metcalf are visiting in Chicago and Boston, Mrs. J, B. Freeman and daugh ter, Joan, and Mrs. W. H. Bow man of Washington, D. C., are visiting Mrs. Walter Jones. Nelson Jackson, Jr., has return ed from a business trip in the North. Many Tryonites and visitors are enjoying swimming at Lake Lanier Inn dock. In England, particularly, during the 18th century the history of furniture is the history of great designers. Men like Sheraton, Chippendale, Hepplewhite and the Brothers Adams. In France the story is different. Here furniture designers were in fluenced by the personality of the Ruling monarchs. Such designers as Boulle dis tinguished themselves, but furni ture created by these masters was influenced by the preferences of the King. The outstanding example was Louis XIV under whom the Golden Age of French furniture began. He surrounded himself with the greatest artists and craftsmen whose efforts to glorify his Majesty became almost a fetish. It is remarkable that these great designers, who created so much that was beautiful, never gave more thought to comfort. It was hot until the last fifty ■'■ears that the proper thought was given to mattresses and springs. Since that time the development has been rapid. With the felted inner spring mattresses, that are beautiful in themselves, one may find more comfort than a monarch, at prices as low as sixteen dollars and fifty cents and up. The Ballenger Co. TRYON, N. C.