ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928. AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3.1879 ®rumt Daily; bulletin (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 10, Est. 1-31-28 Scout Jamboree To be Broadcast The official opening of the fifth Jfcwrorld Boy Scout Jamboree at - Vogelensang, the Netherlands, will be heard in an international broadcast Saturday morning from 9:30 o’clock until 10 (Spartanburg time), it was learned here yesterday. The broadcast will be featured by an address by Queen Wilhel mina, of Holland, and Scout offi cials said it probably will be of interest to many Scouts in this section. More than 30,000 Boy Scouts from all parts of the world are gathering at the international Jamboree, it was said. Among the 805 Stouts attending from the United States are several from this section, including Nelson Jackson, 111., and William Elf rink of Tryon. Brothers At Martin’s Sinclair Sta. C. A. Martin, proprietor of Mar tin’s One-Stop Service Station an nounces today that Rozell and Edward Fisher, who formerly op erated the Texaco Stervice Station, have joined the Martin staff and will operate the Sinclair Gas, Oil and Greasing department of Mar tin’s One-Stop Service Station. Fifty are missing as steamer burns off Baltimore. Many leap into water to escape. Two men die en route to hospital. scores hurt in catastrophe. Vessel carried more than 100. TRYON, N, C., FRIDAY, JULY “CURB” REPORTER After getting the news for the Bulletin the editor has the problem of getting it down in black and white and making it turn out to be “read”. . . . According to Emily Post Dr. Missildine should enter a car or room in front of Mrs. Missildine. The same is true of the President of the United States, Vice-President, Governor of a state and Mayor of any city because they are executives. But not so with Senators, Representatives and men in private life. They must let their wives precede them . . . M*rs. Samuel Abernethy writes from Bronxville, N. Y., to discontinue their Bulletin until after Steptem. berber. 10. “as we shall be in the British Isles and have no for warding address” . . . News from the bride and groom, Carrol and Eleanor Rogers, honeymooning at Castle Park, Mich. . . Thanks to H. B. Kelly and Jimmie Fain for tickets to the Hendersonville Horse Show which closes tonight . . . Le land Butler of the Ballenger Co., is on his vacation . . . The cast has been taken off Ben Fisher’s leg at St. Luke’s hospital, and does he feel better! . . . Andre Rembert'of Sarasota, Fla., is visit ing his uncle, Rembert, in Tryon Hills . . . The Baptists are going to give a Ten nessee preacher a trial on Sunday morning. Tonight will be another Continued on back page 30, 1937