Governor at Kiwanis Kiwanis Governor, Dr. Joseph R. Sevier, of Hendersonville and Mrs. Sevier will be guests at the Tryon Kiwanis meeting on Tues day 1 at 1 p. m., at Hotel Tryon. Any member bringing guests should notify the secretary now and not tomorrow. W. B. Weigel returned Saturday to Tryon from Minnesota. Earl K. Weber of St. Louis, Mo., and George Chipchase of Aiken, S. C., are guests at Hotel Tryon. gJAlil Is Your Radio O nUW Performing [ With the Approach of the World Series in Baseball and the FOOTBALL Season you are interested in having the finest radio reception possible. Also many of the good radio programs that go off the air during the summer, are now or soon will be back on the air with NEW AND IMPROVED PROGRAMS. To enjoy all these features as you should, you need a good radio receiving set. LET US SUGGEST YOU SEE AND HEAR THE NEW 1938 RCA-VICTOR. Home Demontration without obli-gation. Sold for a small down pay ment —balance in monthly installments to suit yon. Avant Electric Co. Phone 51 Tryon, N. C. LAST CALL others to enjoy life? Send your check to C. J. Lynch,- or to the Tryon Bank and Trust Company. BLUE RfDGE WEAVERS Arts and Crafts Shop Specializing in Mountain Hand icrafts, Homespuns, Weavings, Hooked and Woven Rugs, Bed Spreads, Baskets, Pottery, Moun tain furniture. Tryon Toys, Hand hammered Pewiter and costume les, Books, Cards and Novelties. You are cordially invited to browse around in this shop at your leisure.—Adv ts.