ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928. AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON. N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3.187 P (life (Ergon ,Batlu (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 10. Est 1-31-28 “CURB” REPORTER Noah Holiowell in the Hender sonville .Times - News suggests to markets that they sell portions of a turkey to small families. It is hard for two-member families to dispose of a big turkey. Not a bad idea! .... Student represen tatives from 18 colleges met in Ral eigh recently and conducted a leg islative session in the same man ner as the regular state assemb ly is held. It was the first in the Sbuth and will be held annu ally to help teach students public speaking and some knowledge of how our laws are made. Vernon Fowles, a sophomore of Tryon was a member of the “senate” and made a ten minute speech in pre senting a “bill” on Educational Appropriation for the State of North Carolina. Senator Bailey and Governor Hoey addressed the “assembly.” Next year they plan to hold a Federal assembly . . . . That’s more than a Rummage Sale the Baptists are having this af ternoon. New kitchen aprons, con fections, vegetables, walnuts, and many other useful articles will be on sale at the old town hall on Maple street .... Henderson ville is covered with snow this morning. No wonder there was ice in that wind . . . That Sqpmerco road looks good now since the Town and WPA hardsurfaced it. Continued on hack Page TRYON, N. C., SATURDAY, NOV. 20, 1937 AGOOD SHOW (By Special Reporter) On Saturday evening, Decem ber 11th, at 7 o’clock, the mem bers of the Tryon Country club are giving a unique entertain ment, at the club. A delicious supper will be served in a setting which will remind you of all sorts of places mixed together. In oth er words, here will be “Atmos phere”. During supper, your emo tions will be played upon until you may find yourself inspired to participate. However, nothing is required .of you. If you are able, you will be privileged to re main a detached spectator. After supper, a scintillating cabaret show will be staged for you. And after that, if you wish to remain to dance to phonograph music, yop will be welcome, to do so and pro vision will be made for this. The purpose of this entertain ment is none other than t 0 offer the community a good time. We have no ulterior motive—this is no “drive.” The charge for the whole eve ning—supper, show, incidental en tertainment is 75c a person. Owing to the nature of the en tertainment and the size of the club, we must necessarily limit the number of reservations we can make and all reservations will be closed by Thursday night, *Dec. 9th, unless for some unforseen reason it has not been possible to get your reservation in before that time and we are still able to accommodate you. When you know that Mrs. M. B. Flvnn is the chairman of the Cabaret and has ca’led upon some Continued on Back Pape