WORTHY OF TRUST—Registered Druggist On Duty at All Times MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY “The Hub of the City” Phone 4 Blackwell Making Good William Blackwell, former All- Star athlete on Tryon high school athletic teams, is making good at Milligan college, according to newspaper reports from time to time. He made a very good record in football and is now playing basketball on the freshman team. In the opening game last week he made 19 of his team’s 31 points in defeating Mosheiim high. The •irticle stated that Blackwell was outstanding player on the team. Mrs. H. G. Von Goldberg of Philadelphia is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. John Z. Preston, and Dr. Preston, and her new grand son. John Michael Preston. Miss Eileen Von Goldberg has return ed to Philadelphia after several weeks visit with her sister. FOR RENT: Nice furnished apartment on Lake Lanier. Water and light furnished. Apply to Mr. or Mrs. N. R. Rector —Ad 15tf. A Growing GiftY A Christmas gift that will in crease in value the longer it is held, is a saving certificate in the vTryon Federal Savings & Loan ■Association, which pays 4 per cent Avith Government protection. Cer tificates of $5 S7O, $25 and up make ideal gifts for any member of the family. For further infor mation apply to il. R. McCown, Secretary. TRYON FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION j Peoples Insurance Agency j J. B. Hester, Mgr. | Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C. j ALL KINDS of INSURANCE Phone 37 SALE, St. Agnes Guild will hold a sale of: Household Furniture Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 2:30 at Parish House. Bt, V For Prompt TAXI SERVICE Telephone M. P. Andrews Day Phone 89 Night 256-W “For your insurance needs—ac cident, health, automobile, annui ties, burglary, fire, life, surety bonds, plate glass, windstorm, lia bility—See E. Perry Manville. Phone 71.”—Adv. (3) The Christmas Thrill of a Lifetime! DIAMONDS! Now persons of moderate means may give the most thrilling gift of all! Diamond Rings in a wide variety of attractive settings are here at moderate prices. Conve nient terms. WEDDING DINNER CLUSTER SOLITAIRE —also— WATCHES, JEWELRY and RADIOS Peeler’s Jewelry and Radio Shop Sales and Service Phone 41 ;