Frigidaire is Always at the l op Christmas News Os the Tryon School, by Nellie Rushing: There was an air of excitement in the school on Friday morning as classes went on the regular schedule. Each room had its Christmas tree, beautifully deco rated and loaded with presents. At one o’clock we filed into the auditorium where elaborate deco rations of the season greeted our eyes and made happy many a little heart. The huge tree on the left sparkled and was reflected on the huge baskets of fruit brought by the children for our ex-janitor, Dave Brown, and the present one, King. The exercises opened with the high school chorus singing two lovely selections. Mary Gaze, our own Lily Pons, sang the solo part to “Cantique de Noel”, the chorus chiming in on the refrain. Miss Heath told us a story ever old, ever new—the eternal story of Love in “The Land of It Might Have Been Here.” Its truth and beauty will linger in our hearts long. The primary department sang carols in their sweet youthful voices. This feature we always enjoy, and look forward to it. A play followed, showing the shepherds, the three kings of Orient, bearing their gifts of gold, frankincense, and mjynrth. The junior chorus did its part, singing two lovely carols, one of which was, “Come With Torches, Jeanette Isabella.” The Fourth and Fifth grades entertained their mothers after assembly with carols and tea in the home economics department. In the decorations contest in the heme economics department, Lula and Frances Burrell won the prizes for having the best.display. Theirs was made of native mountain greens, artistically arranged. The prize was a lovely fruit cake made in the department. All of the arrangemetns were lovely and the judges had difficulty in selecting the best one. After the room programs and ex change bf gifts, we were dismissed for two glorious weeks. Merry Christmas! Carolyn Slagle, Edward Man ville, and Nellie Rushing, of the Tryon high school band, have been invited to play at all the churches in Saluda on the Sunday following Christmas. Since they can’t be in all of them at once they have not decided whose invitation to accept. Professor James Brooks Addresses Rotary Club One of the most interesting talks ever given in Tryon was 1 the brief outline on Psychology given by Prof. James Brooks of Land rum at the Tryon Rotary club on Friday noon at Oak Hall hotel. J. B. Hester, Sr., had charge of the program. The speaker, who studied under the noted William James, and in Europe, has also taught Psychology. He outlined the development of this “baby” science which is being used so suc cessfully in business, politics, in the treatment of diseases and in making people happier. (Moi*e Monday). Haven’t You? Haven’t you been to interesting places at times when you wished you had a motion picture camera to take pictures of things as you see them in order to be able to bring back some of the pleasure to your friends. That is what Scout Executive R. M. Schiele and Mrs. Sch : ele did this past Septem ber when they visited New Mexi co and the beautiful Grand Canyon country. They took the pictures in colors and will show them to night at the Parish House imme diately following the Boy Stout Court of Honor which starts at 7:30. The public is invited. Those not able to attend the Court of Honor may drop in for the pictures around 8 o’clock.