ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST J4U, LVZb. AT TUB fvai o**ll* AT TRYON. N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3.1 S7‘* Stye (Ergen Jailu (The Smallest Daily Newspaper In The World) Vol. 10. Est. 1-31-28 Celebrates 80th Birthday Professor Lewis Sayre Burchard celebrated his 80th birthday Mon day. Many telegrams and cards from old friends in his home, New v York City, and relatives in Boston. OjNew friends in Tryon made him /feel their real friendliness when about 20 of them came to surprise him with their wishes in the after noon. Reverend and Mrs. Pinck ney were away and sent a tele gram and Dr. George Taylor was away. Those who came to call on him were: the Misses Pitkin, M;r. and Mrs. W. E. Kilpin, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. William Howell, Mirs. Frances Williams and her friends, Miss lord of Bryn M'awr, Pennsylvania, Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Lincoln, Rev. and Mrs. Rolla Dyer, Senator and Mrs. F. P. Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Whittlesey, Judge and Mrs. Thomas Brown and sisters, the Misses Ferris, of New York. Mrs. Mary Lyons Crowe x Landrum, Dec. 27.—Mrs. Mary SLyons Crowe, wife of the late Dr. -*W. A; Crowe of near Atlanta, Ga., and aunt of the Rev. J. Sproles Lyons, Presbyterian pastor here, died last Thursday at her home. Funeral services and interment were in Marietta, Ga., Sunday. Surviving are two sons, Walter and Arthur Crowe; one daughter of New Haven, Conn.; one step son of Baltimore, Md.; one brother, Dr. J. Sproles Lyons, pastor emeri tus of the First Presbyterian church of Atlanta; and one sister, Mrs. Rolph I. Izard, of Richmond, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, of Land rum attended the funeral.—Spar tanburg Herald. TRYON, N C„ TUESDAY, DEC. 28, 1937 “CURB”REPORTER Now let’s see what we can put in the Bulletin today. No serious news reported at St. Luke’s hos ptal. No births, no deaths, no marriages, no business transac tions, no fires, no accidents, no new people moving in, none moving out. Just a lull between Christ mas and New Year. Or is it that peace on earth and good will to all that you wished for on your greetings this year ... We are having London weather,- -foggy, but the homes are still full of the Christmas spirit of cheerfulness, with parties, Christmas trees, col ored lights and other decorations. . . . And isn’t it a lot of fun to look over the Christmas cards again . . . Greetings from Anne Bosworth Greene from Summer ville, S. C., who is changing her Bulletin from Vermont to Colony Gardens, Beaufort, S. Cj . . . Joey and Dan Merwin are spending six months with their daddy in Jamai ca .. . George and Salley Cathey gave Broadus Ballenger a big sur prise. They sent him a large box for Christmas* He spent a lot of time unwinding the contents until finally he reached a little wooden banty rooster about an inch high, made by the Tryon Toymakers . . . Members of Tryon Country club gave Pro Larry Brooks a nice cash Christmas present .... The Tryon Kiwanis club changes officers to- Continued on Back Page