The Tryon Garden club will open its next -meeting to the public as the program is of unusual interest. The speaker will be Mr. Noi*wood Drayton Hastie, owner of the fa mous Magnolia Gardens in Char leston. He will give an illustrated lecture showing the growth and beauty of the gardens. The pi'operty has been in the family for three generations, and the owners in turn have made it their life work to add to its in terest and development. Miany ar tists and writers have been in spired by its beauty, among others John Galsworthy, wh 0 gave it the adjective “Other-Worldly.” The meeting will be held in Sunnydale Cabin, Wednesday, Jan. 26th, at 3:30. A small fee (25c) will be charged. PRESBYTERIAN LADIES TO MEET TUESDAY The Presbyterian women of Try on chuhch will meet on Tuesday afternoon, January 18th, at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Jesse Rhodes. Mrs. T. G. Miller will be in charge of the program. POTTED DAFFODILS for sale at BLUE RIDGE WEAVERS In order to cover the extra cost of several pictures in the Tenth Anniversary Edition of the Tryon Daily Bulletin on January 31st, extra copies will be sold at 10 cents each. They will make at tractive souvenirs to keep or send away t 0 friends. For Prompt TAXI SERVICE Telephone M. P. Andrews Day Phone 89 Night 256-W A. L. MAYKAND Maker of Ladies and Men’s Clothes Suits from SSO to S6O. When own cloth is furnished. Men’s Suits $35. Ladies’ Short Coat Suits. S3O. 717 Meats Brookhill Broilers, lb. 35c Porterhouse Steak, lb.—., 40c Sirloin Steak, pound 35c Branded Round Steak, lb.—3oc Selecto Picnic Hams, lb—2sc "1 Smoky Mountain Nuggets, pound ——4o c Jones Sausage Meat, 1b... 40c Jones Sausage Links, 1b.—,450 Sweet Breads, pound ——.—soc Leg O'Lamb (trimmed) lb. 35c Long Island Ducks, lb— 35c Fillet of Haddock, 1b.—....22c Wilcox Yard Eggs, doz 40c Fresh Country, Eggs, doz.—.3sc Loin Lamb Chops, lb.. 40c Rib Lamb Chops, lb 35c THE BALLENGER Company