Mountain Crafts for GIFTS Weavings Purses ’ Knitting Yams Coverlets Bags Homespuns Spreads Pottery Scarfs Quilts Baskets Hooked Rugs Throws Furniture Woven Rugs Linens Brooms Rumble Rugs And Many Other Useful and Ornamental Articles HOMESPUNS There is always something unusually smart and stylish about clothing that is made from fabrics made by hand. Hand-woven fabrics today can be glorified by the tailor’s art into clothing of distinctive beauty. The “home spun” of yesterday is now a hand-woven fab ric accepted by fashion, and the pride of well dressed men and women. Our famous Ap palachian Fabrics are woven by expert weav ers. They will not sag nor shrink nor lose their rich coloring when fashioned into clothes for you to wear. We invite you to stand beside our looms as they are operated and see the colorful patterns slowly take form under the deft hands of the weavers. Mountain Industries, Inc. Gift and Sport Shop APPALACHIAN HAND WEAVERS