TRYON MOTOR CO., Inc. Chevrolet The Anniversary “The world’s smallest daily— Seth Vining’s Tryon Bulletin— came out with its tenth anniver sary edition Monday. Eighty pages of jam-up interesting m|aterial, well gotten up, and exceptionally printed. Congratulations to Seth and his group of co-workers for a. job well done.”—Editor C. M. Douglas. Transylvania Times. C. W. WAY, M. D. Sea Isle City, .N J. “My dear Mr. Vining: “Please permit me as one of the daily readers of your paper from so great a distance to offer con gratulations 0 n the splendid souve nir edition of your Bulletin. “I came to know about your paper through Rotary and the fine president of your well known Ro tarian J. T. Arledge. Mr. Arledge sent me one year’s subscription to your paper and I look forward to it every day. “Tryon is also famous because you have as a resident Dr. David L. Edsall who was my Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and one of the great -outstanding medical men of Ameri ca. “Wishing you continued success, “I am, very truly yours, “Clarence W. Way.” Ten years ago the St. Luke’s bosptial committee was meeting rnd laving plans to build the hos r ital. F. P. Bacon was chairman, Julian. Calhoun was vice-chairman and J. N. Jackson was the finan cial chairman. They and their committee did a good job . . Frank -1;n;n Little was a member of the- University of North Carolina Glee < tub wbmh ga a at the Strand Theatre in Tryon. . . . And Dr. Henrv Nelson Snyder ™ho a* the T "oiev pl-’h terdav was the guest speaker be fore the club almost exactly ten vears ago .... Dick Burnette c’•rived to operate the Standard Service Sntrnn. You can send the Bulletin to any friend for six months anywhere in the United States for only sl. | Peoples Insurance Agency ; J. B. Hester, Mgr. { ! Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C. * J ALL KINDS of INSURANCE j Phone 37 J Supreme TAXI SERVICE**) ; Phone 56 j GRAND SIAM!