frigidaire is Always at the Top Red Gross Chest Mrs. George Cathey. Home Ser vice secretary of the Red Cross, maintains a chest to which the American Women’s Hospitals nurse can go for bandages, sick-room supplies and layettes for babies in indigent families. Old HATS made new, reblocked, cleaned; and modeled onvthe .For appointment phone i Mfcb or MpL45. Miss C. M. CampbeUf at the on Godshaw Hill.—Ad vertisement. 2,3, 4c. ART CLASSES Painting and Drawing at Rock House Art Gallery Conducted by Mrs. B. King Couper “For your insurance needs—ac cident, health, automobile, annui ties, burglary, fire, life, surety bonds, plate glass, windstorm, lia bility—See E. Perrv Manville. Phone 71.“—Adv. (3) THE LAUNDRY Does It Better Less Trouble More Sanitary Nicer Finish Quicker RECTOR’S LAUNDRY TTRYON’S HEATER Phone 186 Matinee: 3:30 P. M. Saturday Matinee: 1 P. M. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY BEG BORROW OR STEAL With Frank Morgan, John Beal and Florence Rice Laugh-a-minute romance ... as 13 tip-top fun-makers bring you U romping Saturday Evening Post story . . . of an American beauty who found love . . . and a millionaire . . . ir a castle her Dad had to “beg, borrow or steal”! FRIDAY ONLY ANNAPOLIS * SALUTE With James Ellison, Harey Carey , and Marsha Hunt Here is a worthwhile, simply presented story of rival middies at the Naval Academy. The back ground is refreshingly authentic as the scenes were actually taken at Annapolis. SATURDAY ONLY HIT THE SADDLE With the “Three Mesquiteers” — Bob Livingston, Ray Corrigan, and Max Terhune A thousand horses stolen in the n'ight ... a sheriff’s death shroud ed in mystery ... and your three sons of trouble streak into their greatest adventures!