ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 (Ertwn Jatlg (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 Tax Man Coming L. S. Summey, North Carolina State Deputy Collector of Revenue this district will be in Tryon Pall day Friday, March 11. at the the office of Town Manager C. H. Helms for the purpose of assist ing anyone in the preparation of state income and intangible per sonal property taxes, due March 15. He will also attend to any kind of special state taxes such as privilege licenses. Any single per son must pay tax on incomes of SI,OOO or more, married persons on income of $2,000 or more, less S2OO for each child. T T A Visit To Old South for $1 All visitors, hotel and inn guests will have an opportunity Saturday to visit the most outstanding old plantation of this section oov only one dollar. This price includes taxi fare across the coun ty and back for about 30 miles. It includes the admission to the es tate which *is not possible at any ether time except by special per mission. It includes refreshments to be served on the plantation. Miss Maude Cox, the owner of Green River Plantation, will be present to greet the visitors.. This unusual opportunity is made possible only because the Tryon Garden club members are lending their automo biles and drivers to make this pil grimage a success. Last year the pilgrimage was conducted to Try on gardens and 65 people attended. Many more people are exected this year with such a rare treat offered Continued on Back Pape TRYON, N C„ TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1938 Counties Urged To Follow Up State’s Advertising Drive The names and addresses of the 10,000 or more persons who have written for information regarding North Carolina as a result of the tate’s national advertising cam paign, have been sent to every board of county commissioners in the state, to every Chamber of Commerce, and to other recognized agencies, where they should be on file at the present time for the use of the citizens in those counties, it was announced today by F. P. Bacon, chairman of the Governor’s Hospitality Committee in Polk county. The Advertising Division of the Department of Conservation and Development keeps a record of every inquiry received and every week or ten days prepares lists ontaining the names and addresses of all persons who have written for information about the state, which are sent to the boards of ounty commissioners and other organizations in every county. These agencies in the counties, i!ies, and towns are asked to keep these lists on file and to make them available to any citizens or or 'anizations that may want to use hem in following up the State Advertising Campaign. • “These lists are much more -aluable to the local communities than they are to the Department "if Conservation and Development T’ to the state as a whole, since bey make it possible for the local communities, either through in- Continued from vcige three