Tryon Daily Bulletin Seth M. Vining, Editor (Published Daily Except Sunday) Subscription Rates: One Year $1.50 Out-of-State $2.00 Mr. and Mrs. Waverly Hester of Campaign, Tenn., spent the week-end in Tryon. The Ernst Mahlers have gone to Neenah, Wis. Dr. J. E. Derby is attending the State Dentists Association convention at Winston-Salem for three days, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. . Mrs. Loie E. Bowen of Cadillac, C ®tech., is visiting her mother, Mrs. me. J. Schoff and sister, Miss Ger trude Schoff. Miss Martha Jackson has been visiting in Charleston, S. C.. the past ten days. TAKEN UP: One stub-tailed liver-spotted male pointer dog. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement and dog keep. Apply Bulletin office.—Adv. Visit OUR STORE for Those Appropriate MOTHER’S DAY «ifts. SLACK’S Pharmacy FOR SALE —6 room house and • 100x150 feet, in quiet location Godshaw Hill. Shrubbery, fruit i other trees. Reasonable for quick 3ale. Apply to A. J. Cowan, Jr., or phone 233.—Adv, f m w. A. L. MAYRAND Maker of Ladies and Men's Clothes. Suits from SSO to S6O. When own cloth is furnished, Men’s State $35. Ladies’ Short Coat Suits S3O. 717 E. Main St., Spartanburg, S. C. "Buy a COMPLETE coverage Automobile Insurance Policy writ ten by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company of Hartford, Connecticut.” E. Perry Manville, Agent, Phone 71.—Adv. (2) "; : > Garden Clu|| Plays Directed by Mrs. |L. Fuldner The I Ji BiLjolw^irkpatrick Nights Admission 50c Time: 8 p.m. l j VOLLMER’S Natural Wines DRY AND SEMI-DRY Phone 25-J TAXI SERVICE PHONE 295 SCENIC TRIPS PLANNED TTRYON’S HEATER Phone 186 Matinee: 3:30 P. M. Saturday Matinee: 1 P. M. MONDAY and TUESDAY Adventures of Tom SAWYER Mark Twain’s immortal story in a glorious technicolor produc tion, featuring Tommy Kelly.