ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH i, 1879 (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N C., FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1938 Carolina on the March The talk made by Dr. Hurst of the Appalachian Forest Ex periment Station before the Tryon 1 Garden club revealed conditions W that should be known and adver tised all over the State. Few 0 f us realized that such things could be, here within a stone’s throw of us. The pictures shown might well have been taken in an Ari. zona desert, yet they are to be verified within a few v hours ride of Tryon. Mountainsides have been stripped for pulp and over cultivated for farming. In either case the run off of water is great ly increased. Soil that is tilled much more subject to erosion, of course, because it becomes com pact and loses its absorbing power. A striking illustration of the re lation between ground cover and run off was seen in the illustra tive Los Angeles flood of 1934, where a 4,000 acre section of ' burned-over land discharged 1,700 ‘per cent more water than did a A similar area of unburned land. Not w only the volume but the velocity and force of the run off increases tremendously. Little furrows on the surface become deeper with each rain and soon we have un sightly red gullies and barren rocky hillsides: And what about the fellow just below Has he no redress for the flooding of his Continued on Back Page • Dance Tonight The regular Friday evening dance at Sunnydale will be held tonight with the Rock-ola furnish ing the music. The admission is 50 cents per couple or stags. IVflary Crapo’s cute little Bed lington puppy, Baba,* was run over and killed by a motorist in the country recently . . . Mayor B. B. Waldrop of Rutherfordton has resigned and been succeeded by J. J. Stockton, mayor protem . . . A. J. Henderson, 55, building con tractor of Hendersonville who made a specialty of building movie theatres designed by Stilwell, was killed in an auto collision Thurs day morning near Charlotte ... A report is out that the government is going to spend so much money that even the taxpayers will get hold of some of it . . . Shake speare said: “Give to a gracious message a host of tongues” . . . . Tryon plays baseball at Sayles on Saturday .... Dance tonight at Sunnydale. The college set arriv ing home will have more enter tainment this summer than here tofore .... Today is Edward and Wally’s first wedding anniversary. ... Mrs. Zebulon Weaver, wife of the Congressman is in a criti cal condition and not expected to live Maj. Bernard Sharp will be glad to distribute your magazines to the less fortunate when you are through reading them The Bishop Tourets will arrive at Nantucket today. Defty Flynn saw the big fight while in New York . . . Some northern visitors were surprised to find that it was necessary to Continued on Back Page