ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 fflje JBatlg (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 Kuykendall Home Destroyed By Fire The home of Mfrs. R. E. Kuy kendall, located at the Southern Company was com jpletely destroyed by fire about 3 o’clock this afternoon. The house was vacant at the time of the fire, the ocupants having moved to Gas tonia the latter part of last week. It is not known how the fire origi nated, but it had gained such head way before the fire deparment could locate a suitable water sup ply that it could not be brought under control. There was no in surance coverage, according to a member of the Kuykendall family. “CURB” REPORTER “ and the members of the First Baptist church are serving a picnic supper to the public at Harmon Field on Thursday eve ning at 6:30. The price of 50c pays for the supper and helps the the church building fund. Church a-stfippers are always good. The —-price of this one is reasonable enough and the cause is worthy. All you need is an appetite and 50c. ... .The Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts meet this afternoon To Represent Sorority- Miss Ruth Lincoln has returned home from Randolph-Macon college at Lynchburg, Va., where she fin ished her junior year. She will be at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Lincoln, until the latter part of this month when she will go to California to represent her sorority at the na tional convention. TRYON, N, C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1938 Foolish Golf A golfing party was given at the Country club yesterday morn ing by Mr. and MJrs. Walter C. - Hill. A two-ball thirteenthsome was the game, the players (half of them had never played before) all driving from each tee and then in rotation playing the longest ball of'the two teams. Luncheon was served after the game. The players were: Team No. 1: Walter Hague, Dudley Smith; Estelle Page, Mrs. R. C. Erskine; John Montague, M.. B. Flynn; Babe Ditrichen, Mrs. W. C. Hill; Helen Hicks, Mrs. M:. B. Flynn; Glenna Collett, Mrs. Harmon Vanderhoef; Bobby Jones, Mr. Harmon Vander hoef. Team No. 2: Olin Dutra, R. C. Erskine; Jane Corthan, Mlrs. Rob ert Erskine; Gene Sarizan, Capt. Rufus Zozbaum; Patty Berg, Bar bara Hill; Harry Vardon, W. C. Hill; Maureen Orcutt, Mirs. Homer Ellertson. Team No. 1 won, 3 up and 2 to go, winning a handsome golf ball as first prize, kindly donated by Mr. Chas. Conrad. Rotary Friday James B. Hester will be in charge of the Rotary club program on Friday at 1 p. m., at Sunnydale Log Cabin. The guest speaker will be Judge J. J. Gentry of Bird Mountain. Compromise on wage bill near despite threat. 10 Senators ask “WPA” Politics probe. Tw 0 American properties hit in Canton raid.