ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, j JT | AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CON MARCH *, 1879 ©ije (Ergan j§aip bulletin (The World’s Smallest WaßSab ewspaper) Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 “CURB” REPORTER Uncle Andy Dimsdale, 88, was a caller at the Bulletin office on Thursday. Mir. Dimsdale is a skilled basket maker and has paid his subscriptions for a number of years with his fine hickory strip baskets. Uncle Andy was born in Cooper’s Gap in 1850. His great grandfather came over from England A letter from Mrs. R. C. Collison at Chester, Nova Scotia, saying that she is enjoying the Tryon Daily Bulletin. She writes that it is very lovely there with many flowers in full ! loom and always the broad ex panse of water to gaze upon. . . . Mary Adams, student at Ambler School of Horticulture, is having a wonderful time at Ragged Mt. Camp, Andover, New Hampshire, where she is an instructor in wood craft and the Bulletin is taking news of Tryon to her .... Do you like to write? The Duke Uni versity Press is offering a $1,500 prize for manuscripts in connec tion with the centennial of the origins of Trinity college, now a part of Duke University . . . The C. M. T. C. at Ft. Bragg this summer have eaten 20 steers and 25,000 pints of milk, a to n of sausage and one and a half tons of butter .... Speaking of food the First Baptist church women are going to serve a fried chicken supper at Harmon Field on Thurs day, July 21, for the benefit of Continued on Back Page f ptIDAY, JULY 15, 1938 TRYON, N, 'A ! Joins Health District; To Benefit From SIB,OOO Fund The hope of securing full time health service for Polk county under the State Board of Health has been realized, the District Health Officer has been secured, the Public Health Nurse has been appointed, and offices are being set up in the building occupied by the County Board of Educa tion and the Public Welfare De partment in Columbus. On June 30th the Polk County Board of Commissioners voted to , appropriate sufficient monies to participate in a District Health Department provided Rutherford county would take appropriate ac tion looking to the combination of the two counties in such a health district. On Tuesday, July 5, the plan for combining Rutherford and Polk counties into a District 'Health Department was formally adopted in a joint meeting of the Rutherford County Board -of Health and the County Commis sioners. The adoption of this plan brings public health service as offered by the United States Pub lic Health Service and the State Board of Health into practically ell the Western North Carolina counties. The Rutherford-Polk District v 11 operate for the current fiscal ear on a budget of $18,220.00. r his amount is allocated by the two counties, the State, and the Federal government, the Ruther ford county allocation amounting Continued on Page Four