Taxes Advertised Next Week Tax Collector W. C. Hague states that all real estate on which taxes for 1937 have not been paid will be advertised for sale after the first Monday in August. Pay ment ,of your taxes before the first Monday will save you penalty and advertising costs. Girl Scouts Tryon Girl Scouts will meet on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Elizabeth Anne Vining. Richard Howard of Durham, N. C., has returned home after a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Avant. Mrs. Larry Brooks has returned home after an appendix operation at St. Luke’s hospital. FOR SALE: MfcNeely’s Grocery Store, and Meat Market. Ideally located on Trade street, next to Post Office. Large double refrig erator, modern meat case, nice stock of groceries, fixtures. Mrs. R. L. McNeely, box 181, Tryon, N. C.—Adv. It. Independence: Comes to those who make it a habit to save something of their in come regularly and in vest it to the best ad vantage. Investments with us pay the high est dividends within the bounds of safety. In vestigate the— Tryon Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. M. R. McCown, Secy.-Treas Orphans Here Tues. The Oxford Orphans will give their annual concert in Tryon on Tuesday evening at the school au ditorium. They have been en thusiastically received by audien ces all over the state. The pro gram is directed by Mrs. Sadie T. Hutchinson. Admission is 10 and 25c. Rotarians at Chester Vice-president E. Perry MJanville and the Rev. B. G. Henry left today for the Rotary district con vention at Chester, S. C. Mir. and Mrs. N. R. Rector have gone to Virginia and West Virginia for a ten days’ vaca tion. Archie Batchelder, who has been in St. Luke’s hospital for treatment, is recuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brooks in Gillette Woods. ’ "“V R. C. A.-VICTOR Radio Corporation Presents their line of 1939 RADIOS Visit our store this week and see this new and improved line of radios. AVANT ELECTRIC CO PHONE 51