ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Srgmt lc Per Copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Per Copy lc Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1938 Sign Painter Arrested On Felony Charges n. Chief Hague Kiser stated this J morning (Tuesday) that a series *of breaking and entering in va rious business houses of the town of Tryon had been quelled, and that the guilty party had been taken into custody and charged with the crimes. G. W. Segee, who came here several months ago and went in to the sign painting business with headquarters over the A&P store, confessed to the charges entered against him and was taken to the county jail at Columbus where he was held for investigation. He was later released on bond pend ing Superior Court action. The first place entered by Segee was that of G. H. Holmes on the 20th, where he obtained the sum of $23.00; the second one was that of Dr. J. E. Derby’s dental office where he took personal belongings; )the next on the list was that of E. Perry Manville, local insur ance office, where he took a quan tity of cash. At the time of his arrest, Kiser stated that Segee was hidden in a closet in the building preparatory to entering another office. The arrest came about by clever detective work on the part of Tryon’s police. The chief had ob tained the serial number of some of the money taken, and thereby Checked upon the party spending it. “As I See It” France, Brittain and Russia will aid Czechoslovakia in event of war—Hitler declares that he will never recede from demand for Sudenteriland. Democrats To Meet Dr. W. S. Green, chairman of the Polk County Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, states that the State Chairman Gregg Charry, has called a mass meeting of the Democrats of this district to meet in Asheville on Friday, September 30th, at 2:30. Dr. Green urges all Democrats of Polk county to attend. Golf Results The Blind Bogey handicap play ed at the Tryon Country club on last weekend resulted as follows: Frank Wilcox and F. P. Bacon tied for first and second place with a score of 74 net. James Rowe was third and Amos Foster was fourth. This next weekend a putt ing contest will be held. The player having the least number of putts for 18 holes will be de clared the winner. All putts must be holed out. A deposit of 25c will be required of each player and he will be charged with one half cent for each putt. The 25c will allow each player a total of 50 putts. If he uses fewer putts he will receive a rebate at the rate of half cent a putt. If he takes more than 50 putts he will have to pay additional charges at the same rate. Thousands of Americans rush to return home at crisis intensi fies anxiety. U. S. Citizens trying to get out of Czechslovakia are turned back at the border. In London all steamship lines were booked up to October Ist. on At lantic crossings.