Your Friends Are Calling jor You at MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY Phone 4 Mr. and Mirs. Walter Birge of New Yoi’k and Greenwich have taken Miss Helen Stea:rns : house for six months beginning Novem ber 15th, according to C. J. Lynch, local realtor. “For your insurance needs—ac cident, health, automobile, annui ties, burglary, fire, life, surety bonds, plate glass, windstorm, lia bility—See E. Perry Manville Phone 71.”—Adv. (3) LOST: A small female beagle hound, white with a few small black spots. Finder please notify J. W. Styles, at trae Southern Mer cerizing Company)—Adv. ltp. Artex Cleaners NEXT TO TRAjjON CAFE Represented'By MRS. R. L. m 0 V E R Telephone 58 PEOPLES INSURANCE AGENCY J. B. Hester, Mgr. Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C ALL KINDS of INSURANCE Keep an extra carton on handlffe DRINK f iS&n BUY THE SIX-BOTTLE CARTON \ j ®Plus deposit NATIVE ARTS & CRAFTS A large display of hand-made articles is constantly on exhibition and visitors and home folk are al ways welcome to come in and browse around. BLUE RIDGE WEAVERS Trade Street 3tpw ts. • Sunnalee Private Sphool Special English, Latin French/ Mrs. Alice K. Iviissildine Box 313, Tryon, N. C. GOOD COAL Stoker & all Domestic Siz $5.75 $6.00 $6.50 $7.00 $7.50 Tryon Fuel Supply Tom Costa, Owner Phone 154