ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 t (ttrgrm ;Batlg 1c Per Copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Per Copy 1 c Voi. 11. Est. 1-31-28 Here From London Thomas Phipps, son of Mrs. M. B. Flynn, has arrived from Lon "sdon, England, for a visit of a /ew days with Mr. and Mrs. Flynn at Little Orchard before going to Hollywood, Calif., where he will be connected with the movie industry. Mr. Phipps has been writing for the movie productions for some time. Mrs. Phipps and baby, who visited Tryon last season, will join Mr. Phipps later. CURB REPORTER Tuesday, tomorrow, is election day and Tryon is full of politicians >,busy making contacts here and 1 there .... Walter Mylander, a 'rising lawyer of Baltimore, Md. read an interesting eopy of the Tryon Daily Bulletin and subscrib ed for a year. . .. . JX E. Cooper of Cooper Printing Company, at Rocky Mount, Va. also subscribes. The Rev. Charles McGavern is sending it to his father, Rev. John MlcGavern, at Geneseo, N. Y., Marion Smith is having it sent to him in Detroit ... A lot of prizes are on the way for the Cooking School at Tryon’s Theatre next week on Nov. 16, 17, 18. Ten 6-lb. sacks of Pillsbury’s best flour and six packages of Sno Sheen cake flour are already here. Every housekeeper interested in better meals and homemaking will enjoy Continued on Page Three TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, NOV. 7, 19 08 Proclamation By The Mayor Each year Americans in every community are cal'ed upon to take part in a great nation-wide move ment to relieve human suffering and raise health standards in this county. I refer to the work done by the Polk County Chapter of the American Red Cross and thou sands of other Chapters through out the country. It is not necessary, I know, for me to remind citizens of our community that the work of the Red Cross is a vital contribution to our community welfare. Both from the standpoint of the year round local program and work on a national basis, such as the relief for victims of disasters, the fght against epidemics, public health nursing for isolated communities, or assistance to service men or disabled veterans, Red Cross aid to those needing has proved its worth. For years past our community has had a share in this work through contributions made by local citizens. The annual membership Roll Call of the Red Cross, through which such work is supported, is from Armistice Day through Thanksgiving Day. Your support during this period will insure a continuation of Red Cross work here and in other parts of the country. The Red Cross asks so little, yet does so much, that we cannot afford to deny such an appeal. I am pleased, therefore, as Mayor of Tryon, to designate this period as a time when all members Continued on Back Page