ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 3% ffirgDti Ic Per Copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Per Copy lc Vol. 11. Est. 1-31-28 President Roosevelt Sends Greetings To Boy Scouts of America In sending them his Christmas f greetings, President Roosevelt, Honorary President of the Boy Scouts of America, in which he has been active for seventeen years, called upon the 1,221,338 Boy Scouts, Cubs and leaders of the na tion “to do a good deed for some other person, especially for some one who is less fortunate than ourselves.” The President’s message was re ceived Tuesday by Scout Executive R. M. Schiele of the Piedmont Council, from Dr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive and editor of “Boys’ Life.” The message follows: ■“The White House, ‘“Washington. “To the Boy Stouts of America: “As a member of the Boy Scouts of America, I am happy to extend i to fellow members, my sincere best / wishes for a Merry Christmas. This is a time in which it seems particularly appropriate for all of us to do a good deed for some oth er person, especially for someone who is less fortunate than our selves. To Boy Scouts who are steadfast in the principles em . 'ihasized by their organization I look for future leadership in com munity and national life. May the year 1939 be a happy adventure for you in the service of others: “(Signed) “Franklin D. Roosevelt.” Tryon Methodist pageant Thurs day night at 7:30 at the church. Public invited. TRYON, C., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21, 1938 Flat Rock Defeats Tryon High School The powerful Flat Rock teams kept their record clean for the sea son by defeating the Tryon boys and girls in a doubleheader last night at the Tryon gym. The local teams fought hard and put up a good fight but could not matcii the all around play of the visitors who have for many years had one of the best teams in this section. In the girls’ game which ended 3J to 13, the forwards, Gibbs and Hull of Flat Rock were outstand ing in their goal shooting. The boys’ game ended with the score of 35 to 17 and was marked by the fast floor work of Flat Rock. The following boys took part: Mc- Farland, Vining, D. Beatson, Jones, A. Beatson, Green, Taylor, Melton and Chapman. The game was efficiently refereed by Sandy McCullough, a North State official and former Appala chian and Oak Ridge star along with Joe Heiser, a New England official, and player on the Provi dence college team. Mass Patricia Pensinger will be the guest soloist tonight at the Christmas Cantata presented by the choir of the First Baptist church. ' The Adams-Millis and Converse Mills boys and girls basketball teams will play a doubleheader to night beginning at 7:30 at Tryon gymnasium. Mike H. Kelly, 80, prominent Asheville contractor, and native of Ireland, died yesterday. He built the Tryon Water Works system and was well-known here.