ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT ."HI .'OST OFFICE AT TRYON, N. C.. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Wqt ®rgfln 'Satlij lc Pm Copy (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) Per Copy lo Vol. 11. Est. 1-31.28 TRYON, N C., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 1939 Campbell Rites A short service for John A. Campbell, 72, who passed away at hospital on Tuesday afternoon JjßLt one o’clock, will be held at the Funeral Home on Thursday morning at 11 o’clock. The Rev. Chas. L. McGavern, rec tor of the Church of the Holy Cross will officiate. Mr. Campbell was a native of New York. He is survived by his two sisters, Miss C. F. Campbell and Miss Jennie Campbell, at the Normandie in Tryon. Miss Ball Entertains Interested Audience The first of the series of recitals and talks on music by Miss Fran ces de Villa Ball, was well attend ed and much enjoyed at the Lanier library on Tuesday evening at 8 The rest of the course V-v'promises to be even more interest *'■' ing. Course tickets for the re maining programs have been re duced to $1.50 and ate on sale at the Lanier library or Mjssildine's. • Basketball Tonight Adams - Millis Corp., basketball team will play the Greer Mill team tonight at 8 o’clock at the Tryon school gymnasium. Dancing Tonight The regular weekly dance by the “Town Hall” friends will be held tonight at Sunnydale Log Cabin. Admission 50c couple. Julian Hester Heads Tryon Bank Julian B. Hester, for nearly eight years, executive vice-oresi dent and cashier of the Tryon Bank & Trust Co., was elected president of the institution at the annual meeting of the stockholders on Tuesday afternoon. The nom ination was made by the retiring president, Dr. E. E. MSssildine, who has been the head of the bank since its organization. Dr. Mis sildine was elevated to the chair manship of the Board of Direc tors composed of W. C. Ward, J. S. Massenburg, N. R. Rector, Ju lian B. Hester, C. M. Howes, L. A. Avant. Other officers elected were W. C. Ward, vice - president; John G. Landrum, Jr., cashier; Miss Alva Jackson, assistant cashier. The statement of the bank showed that the instiution had the best year in its history which has recorded a- steady growth from year to year. Organized in 1931 (during tb* depression) with a capital of $25,000 and about $15,000 in the new bank with a clean sheet, and its quarterly state ments as published in the Bulletin from time to time have 'showed re markable progress. The statement published last week showed in ad dition to the capital of $25,000, a surplus of $50,000 and deposits of nearly half a million dollars. Total resources and liabilities were listed at $533,273.21. The Tryon Bank & Trust Co., is a member of the State Bankers Association and of the Federal Re serve System and the Federal De- Continued on Back Page