Pirate Puppets Thrill Two Tryon Audiences The puppet-show wizardry of Tony Sarg again charmed two Tryon audiences when the original New York company of marionettes put on a full dramatization of “Treasure Island” at the Parish House on Friday afternoon and evening. This was a return en gagement of the marionettes who a year ago played “Robinson Crusoe” and scenes from “The Mikado” to delighted Tryon aud iences. The stage settings for the puppet version of Robert Louis Stevenson’s immortal adventure classic were particularly pleasing, and the acting of the marionettes under the direction of David Prit chard measured up fully to the usual Sarg standard. For a time the Parish House was literally filled with pirates, but when, in the end, young Jim Hawkins had outwitted them all and saved the dav for his honest friends, the pirates were all dead, save one—Long John Silver—and he was a mightily chastened pirate. The annual coming of Tony Sarg’s marionettes is a cultural feature of the Tryon season that everybody feels should be con tinued from year to year. St. Agnes Guild, which sponsored the show last year and this, and Miss Ferdinanda Poppe, who conducted all arrangements, are to be con gratulated, with the hope that they will bring the marionettes bade again next year.—G. S. W. C. Ward is in New York and Philadelphia on business. Mrs. Ward is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Beaver in China Grove for a few days. Floyd Daniel of Landrum leaves the hospital today after a tonsil operation. Have a few old coins for sale.. Apply Tryon Shoe Hospital.—Adv.j Will the finder of the brown bag at the nost nlea«e enclos° the contents of the bag and send to P. O. Box 432, and they may keep the change.—Adv. George A. Cathey Sai ly S’. Cathey Blue Ridge Weavers Home Industries , Arts & Crafts Tryon to^s Rugs Y arns a Oak splint basket® N OVELTIES Neckties Old rugs Runners Table covers Hand wrought PEWTER Cards A NDIRONS Rulers w Old sou. cook books L UNCHEON SETS I RON WORK Native weaving A PPLEWOOD CARVINGS “We Welcome You To Come In and Browse Around” (Next Door to New Theatre)