Surplus Products Help Many During Month of December There were 190 cases represent ing 1,059 persons certified by Polk county welfare authorities as eli gible to receive surplus commodity products during December, 1938, Arthur E. Langston, State director of commodity distribution with the State Board of Charities and Pub lic Welfare announced, recently. A state-wide total of 183,067 persons representing 39,893 cases were certified during the month. Polk county had the least number of cases and persons eligible for relief commodities in the Asheville district. Yancey had 288 cases; Haywood 309; Rutherford 550; Henderson 473. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walters of Spartanburg were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ward over the weekend. 3 OF 4 HOMES IN AMERICA DO NOT CARRY ADEQUATE INSURANCE DO YOU? R. H. Brady Fire-Automobile-Casualty INSURANCE Phone 51 I I KALMIA MILK is surrounded by no less than 60 scientific safeguards from the farm to city plant , to you! That Kalmia takes 60 steps to keep milk pure, while the aver age company takes only 35, is you rassurance that Kalmia Dairy Milk is the purest and most wholesome obtainable. Every precau tion is taken. J&M Milk is pasteu- ■ rized, filtered, VJ m tested, TB are sterilized, X machinery and / / equipment is / I SURGICALLY {W/ CLEAN. Kalmia Dairy PHONE 149