Mrs. George Stahl of Forest City is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. I. Henderson. Miss Bell -lackson of Averitt colege, Danville, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kal. h S. Jackson. Thomas Griggs has returned to Hotel Tryon after treatment at St. Luke’s hospital. * See how new my clothes look when they come back from . . RECTOR’S CLEANERS & DYERS Phone 203 Life ... sparkle .. pure refreshment Birthday gifts at the Mountain Industries.—Adv. Horseback Riding Phone 89 Andrews Stable Land O’ Lakes Butter Kraft American Cheese in cellophane, *2 pounds ...50c Fresh Country Butter, pound 25c Fresh Whole Wheat Flour, in 5-lb. pkgs. 25c Beechnut, Maxwell, Chase & Sanborn Coffee Tomato Juice 50 ozs 25c Cooking Apples, 6 lbs—2sc Oranges, doz. 15c and 20c 6 large Grapefruit 25c Idaho Baking Potatoes, bag 35c (Get Your Coupons Here and Secure Free Dishes) McNeely’s Phone 32—We Deliver