ENTERED A8 SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT _Ht .'OST OFFICE AT TEYON, N. C., UNDER THE ACT OF CONGBESS. MARCH 3. 1879 ®rgon ißatlg lc PER COPY (The Worlds Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc per copy Vol. 12. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAR. 1, 1939 f CURB REPORTER ; Leaving Daytona on a chilly j morning headed straight south to- j ward Miami we passed through a 1 number of towns along the Indian ! River section where those delicious oranges and grapefruit grow. We tasted our, first Temple oranges and liked them the best of all. Too bad we can't buy them in Tryon. Sipte we were on our way down we decided to wait until we were on our way up the west coast to bring some home. Had our worst meal at Melbourne. Passing through Vero I wanted to look up Dr. and i Mrs. - Kola who spend their sum- j mers in this section but I was out- ! voted by the others- who wanted to ; get as near as possible to MSami. j l uAt Ft. Pierce we stopped at a! jgßHing station for a check up on j auto., I happened to think of an old friend, Dewey Crawford, of Cornelia, Ga., whom I had not seen in 13 years since he moved to Ft. Pierce, so I slipped away from the crowd to telephone him and say hello, etc. You see, there is so much old fashion country in me, and love for people, that when once I like a person, I never for- } get him and feel the same way j toward him always. Dewey, who is a prominent lawyer there, came over to the garage and took us through a large orange packing plant where oranges brought in from the groves are dumped on *— Continued on facie page '-iF ** t Wl Annual Meeting of Social Agencies At the annual meeting of the Council of Social Agencies held in M'issildine’s hall Tuesday after-* noon the following officers were elected for this year: Chairman, Rev. C. Arthur Lincoln, D. D., vice-chairman, Mrs. John Wash bum ; secertary, Mrs. David L. Edsall; treasurer, Miss May Irene Flentye. Reports were received from the American Women’s Hos pitals, the Helping *Hand, the tu berculosis work of the county De partment of Public Health and the County Department of Public Welfare. Miss Rebecca Hoskins, superin tendent of the last named organiza tion, m*de the following report in detail. During the eighteen months ending December 31, 1938, in the division of Public Assistance un der Old Age Assistance, 173 for mal applications were made, 134 were acted upon, and 104 are now receiving this assistance. Twenty three cases have been closed, seven are under investigation, and there are 39 pending action. In addition there have been 150 written appli cations and officer interviews re garding Old Age Assistance but not formal applications. Under Aid to Dependent Children, the record is as follows: Number of formal applications, 30; number acted upon, 28, Involving 106 chil dren ; number of cases receiving assistance in 1938, 27, involving 102 children; number of cases closed, 4, involving 24 children; number applications pending ac tion, one, with three children; Continued on Page Three