The world'B small est daily news paper is a little messenger that enters 90% of the homes of this sec tion. It goes where circulars Union Revival Meeting The following churches of Saluda are uniting their efforts in a Union Revival meeting: Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal, Methodist. The meeting began last Wednesday night and will continue through next week. The pastors of the dif ferent churches are doing the preaching. Dr. W. H. Elliott, Presbyterian; Rev. M. A. Kizer, Baptist; Rev. H. Cary-Elwes, Episcopal; Rev. G. F. Hool, Meth odist. J. C. Costorf of Hender sonville is directing the singing. Mrs. John A. Sinclair, pianist. Services are held each evening at 7:45 o’clock at the Methodist church. The public is cordially in vited to join in these services of worship. HAVE YOUR CAR LUBRICATE!' The Most Modern Way WITH AUTO ROCK This machine enables us to lubricate your car under actual driving conditions DRIVE IN TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION Supreme Service Station DICK BURNETT, Manager Missildine's Pharmacy Conscientious Service With Two Registered Druggists PHONE No. 4 LOST: Cur Hound Dog. Has been missing about three days. There are two toes off on the right hind foot. Answers to name of “Jack”. Please return or notify Ned Covil, box 51, Tryon, N. G. REWARD.—Adv. ltp. William W. gray, Jr. Phone 117 Tryon. N. C. Interior Decoration Representing: F. Schumacher of New York Ivey's of Asheville J. B. Ivev and Co.. Charlotte WOOD FOR SALE Stove Wood, Heater and Fire place Wood. Apply to D. V. Tallant, Columbus, N. C.—Adver tisement. sat, tu, sat. and salesmen can not enter. It will help sell your goods or carry any brief mes sage for only a few cents a day. Just telephone 99