Tryon Daily Bulletin Published Daily Except Sunday Seth M. Vining, Editor Subscription Rates: One Year $1 50 Out-of-State $2.00 Today’s Asheville Citizen reports that 125 persons attended the first Freshman class banquet of the Asheville Teachers College on Mon day evening and that Miss Miollie Hague, class president, was mas ter of ceremonies. Miss Hague is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hague of Columbus and is a graduate of Stearns high school. BRYAN—MILLIKIN Mir. and Mrs. W l . B. Dozier of Marion, S. C., announce the en gagement of Mrs. Dozier’s daugh ter, Mollie Rae Bryan, to M|r. Robert H. MJillikin. The couple will be married in a simple ceremony in the Gertrude Holbrook Memorial Nurses’ Home in the early summer. We Have A Most Complete Line of Ladies Ready-to-W ear We Keep NEW MERCHANDISE Rolling ' In All the Time. In That Way We Are r Able to Give Our Customers the Newest ; Styles— AT A POPULAR PRICE The Ballenger -Jackson Co. TRYON, North Carolina As New as SPRING! Doncaster Tailored Dresses (Made to Order) SIMPLE SMART COMFORTABLE { Silks Viyella-Flannel, Prints and Cottons ASK TO SEE SAMPLES AND STYLES Mrs. E. E. Lewallen Telephone 99 or 116-J