Entered as second-class matter august 20, 1928, at the post office AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 (% (Urgtm lc PER COPY (The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper) lc per copy Vol. 12. Est. 1-31-28 TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1939 CURB REPORTER Mrs. Ralph Erskine is one of the judges for the Spartanburg Flow er Show to be held in Spartanburg on Thursday .... Some more ex pensive flowers were found Sunday by officers in the Saluda Township area. As long as the flowers re mained in the woods they were free to everybody to see and enjoy, but four people, two from South Caro lina and two from Ashville section picked these flowers for them selves. They soon afterwards be came very expensive. Justice Giles W. Pearson fined each of the per sons over six dollars. North Caro- is protecting the beauty of ■ts highway views .... You still time to vote in the municipal election up to 7 p. m. . . . Tryon Woodmen will hold a fish fry at .Harmon Field on Wednesday eve ning at 6:30 for their members and friends . . . Ovid says: “The load becomes light which is cheerfully borne.” .... ANDREWS IS REELECTED STEARNS SCHOOL HEAD Columbus, May I.—J. M. An drews, for five years principal of Stearns high school here, has been reelected for the school year 1939- ’4O. With the exception of three changes the faculty will remain the same as last term. Dr. John W. Inzer, Speaker Here For Commencement Superintendent W. A. Schillet ter has announced that Dr. John W. Inzer, pastor of the First Bap tist church of Asheville and one of the noted speakers of the South, will deliver the Tryon high school commencement address on May 31. Miss Peggy Lincoln will deliver the valedictory address, and Miss Margaret Pace the salutatory. THANKS, MAJOR! Thanks to Major Sharp and others who contribute thousands of magazines for our rural people. The home agent is glad to dis tribute them at Cooper’s Gap, Mill Spring, Peniel, Green Creek, New Hope-, Sandy Plains, Melvin Hill, Pea Ridge, Sunshine and Warrior Mountain. Also to teachers of home eco nomics, to individuals who- come to the court house and a few filling stations. The club members look forward to getting this reading material for their families as well as for themselves. They join Major Sharp in asking people to leave magazines at the Bulletin and Polk County News office sos this purpose. A good suggestion for those who are leaving town. The following letter is self ex planatory : Dear Miss Garrison: This is to acknowledge receipt of the very splendidly assorted box of magazines which you left at the Sinclair Filling Station, in Mill Spring for me. Please accept our thanks and appreciation for this gift. Surely Continued on Back Page .