Mayfair Wallops Adams-Millis, 26-4 Tryon, N. C., Miay 20.—Running wild at the plate, the Miayfair Reds of Arcadia blasted out 32 hits here this afternoon to register a 26-4 Eastern Carolina league baseball victory over the hapless Adams- Millis nine. The ringleader of the attack was First Baseman Miclntyre, the Red slugger going to the plate seven times and collecting five hits. Adams-Millis lineup: Heiser, lb 4 110 Culler, p, ss 5 0 2 0 Caines, c. rf..„* 5 0 0 1 3b —.4 2 2 1 % bines, ss —l_ 2 0 11 c 2 0 11 Brady, If 2 0 0 0 Mclntyre, If. c—_ 2 10 0 Gosnell, 2b : 3 0 10 Wilson, p 2 0 10 Kimerland, p.___-^„_—2 0 0 0 Lawter, cf 3 10 1 Totals - 36 4 9 5 Golf Results The tournament at the Tryon Country club during the weekend with the scores at match play against par resulted as follows: C. L. Jolley, 3 up; George W. Vanderhoef, Jr., 2 up; and Mfarion Palmer, 1 down to par. COLORED SCHOOL NOTES The Second and Third grades present an operetta “The Beauty” Tuesday night, May 23, at 8:45. Public invited. Entertain Your Friends A t Tryon Country Club GOLF-TENNIS Telephone 140 Mrs. Luther Higgins of Tryon Route One is a patient at St. Luke’s hospital. Jesse Rhodes and Robert Ford have returned from Washington, D. C., where they have been for the past few weeks. Mb'ss Virginia Kelly is home from Ashley Hall, Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Frederick Gignoux is a pa tient at St. Luke’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jiames E. Brown less have returned from their vaca tion in South Carolina. Miss Helen Thompson of Mill Spring is in St. Luke’s hospital for treatment. Insured The Federal Crop Insurance Cor poration has reported that 156,000 premium payments, representing about 6,400,000 bushels of wheat, have been received for “all-risk” policies on the 1939 wheat crop. STATEMENTS If your supply is running low, place your order now before the first of the month finds you complete ly out. Phone 99. WOOD’S PRESS