The world.'B small > est daily news paver is a little messenger that enters 90% of the homes of this sec tion. It goes where circulars Advice To Travellers— Take A Purpose With You “Don’t be a tourist, be a trav eller,” advises 'J. P. McEvoy, au thor and traveller. He makes the difference clear in an article in the current Rotarian Magazine, point ing out that it’s largely a matter of having a definite purpose in your journeyings that make them worth while. Pursue your interest, he urges. “Whether it is child welfare or rock gardens, whether your pas sion is architecture or orchids, fishing or folk dancing, butter flies or bridge, you’ll find devotees everywhere. “You can always call with profit and the assurance of a welcome on those of your own whatever land you are,” he adds. “Do you sell? Jo you buy? Your rivals and allies are everywhere. Whether you make bricks or lay them or throw them, the sun never sets on your co-workers, collabora tors, or conspirators.” On your picnics take a bottle of Kalmia Dairy Milk. It is re freshing after a hike; and it is safe because it has been Pasteu rized.—Adv. ts. A college junior taking a busi ness course will arrive home Thursday for summer vacation. He desires work of any kind until the college reopens in September. Any work will be appreciated. He can drive a car, handle a shovel, clerk in a store, paint, or do other general work. John David Mc- Geachy, Tryon, N. C.—Adv. ts. Osteopathic Physicians Doctors Hale & Hale 305 Montgomery Bldg. Tel. 646 Spartanburg, S. C. (Tryon Wednesday Only) Tryon Appointments, Call 103 W Missildine’s Pharmacy Conscientious Service With Two Registered Druggists PHONE No. 4 WANTED TO RENT: Four or five room house ready for occu pancy around July Ist. Will take good proposition the year ’round. Rent must be reasonable. Write “M. D.” in care of the Tryon Daily Bulletin.—Adv. ts. THE BULLETIN $1.50 A Y«ar. PEOPLES INSURANCE AGENCY J. B. Hester, Mgr. ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Hester Bldg. Tryon, N. C Physical Fitness A quart of milk provides all the calcium needed by the individual for the day, much of the phosphorus, a liber al amount of .the vitamins A and G, one third or more of the protein, one eighth or more of the iron, at least one fourth of the energy, and some of the vitamins B, C and iD. All this, milk furnishes nt a small frac tion of the total cost of the day’s moals. Every precau tion is taken. Milk is pasteu- I rized, filtered, (j V tested, bottlei f ■ are sterilized, / machinery and / /jhdw* l| equipment is A SURGICALLY Kalmia Dairy auu salesmen can not enter. It will help sell your goods or carry any brief mes sage for only a few cents a day. Just telephone 9H