Paying 4 Per Cent In the attractive advertisement of the Tryon Federal Savings & Loan Association in this issue of the Bulletin are the words “and current earnings of 3 per cent.” The plate for this ad was made by a popular engraver who has done lots of work for other savings & loan associations that pay only 3 per cent. The Tryon Federal Savings' & Loan Association has been fortunate in doing a lot more business than the average asso ciation and has consequently earn ed more money. The increased profits have been passed on to the investors who have received 4 per cent on their investments instead of the 3 per cent usually paid by others. Mrs. Henry Bray has returned home after a visit in Chattanooga, Tenn., where her granddaughter, Miss Anne Lindsay, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Lindsey was graduated with honors from the Girls Preparatory school. Miss Lindsey will enter Duke Univer sity in the fall. NEW SHIPMENT Men’s Sport Coats Sensationally 1 1 (L/ Hollywood and Low Price Jl /l VJI Princeton of— IfS KJ • / U Styles Others $lO and $12.50 The Ballenger-Jackson Co. TRYON, North Carolina Folks seeing Saluda from the railroad as they pass through probably do not realize how many very beautiful homes there are here. Stephens Hall, lately pur chased and restored by Mr. Woods of Greenville, S. C., and the Lucas place, adjoining, are among those lately made lovely. Their fine lawns and flower beds are special ly attractive just now . THE BULLETIN $1.50 A year. O t ' ~ ~ # n' Special for Friday and Saturday i String Beans, 3 lbs lOca i Tomatoes, 3 pounds 25c" I | Leg O’Lamb, lb 30c ) Local Spinach Local Beets 'Andrews & Swann i PHONE 44 “We Deliver”