Frigidaire Ranges and Refrigerators AVA N T ELECTRIC Company Vernon Fowles Advancing Continued, from Page One Elmira, New York, scene of in ternational famous glider compe tition^ The civil aeronautics authority of Y shington today announced a list of 65 of the highest rank ing students who recently have completed the authority’s civilian pilot training course. They will be given advanced sea plane and sailplane instruc tion at various bases in the United States. Mrs. C. J. Schoff and Miss Ger trude Sehoff left today for their vacation in Cadillac, Michigan. You can send the Tryon Daily Bulletin anywhere in the U. S. 6 months for sl, Drink to YOUR HEALTH And Be REFRESHED in | HOT WEATHER! With Pasteurized Milk. It is Safe. It is Pure. It is Delicious! Kdlmid Ddirij J That Special piece of furniture you have wanted can be made in Tryon by Walter Cantrell. Is it a Bookcase? Is it a Dinningroom Set? Bedroom Set, Chair or Spec ial table? Whatever it is talk it over with Walter Cantrell and have it made to suit you. Phone 317 Adv. ts. 3 Ask your grocer for Elliot’s ten der roasting ears and nice ripe tomatoes. Adv. ts. Tryon Country club pool now open. Fresh mounm spring water flowing through it continuously.—Adv. Supreme TAXI SERVICE Phone 56