Fricidaire Ranges and Refrigerators AVANT ELE CTR I C Company Boys’ Club Defeated Bushwhackers 9 to 4 The Try on Boys’ club won over the Bushwhackers by a score of 9 to 4 in softball at Harmon Field on Tuesday afternoon. The bat tery for the Boys consisted of Tay lor and H. McGeachy; for the Bushwhackers: R. Dick and E. Jones. A feature of the game was a home run by Henry McGeachy. Umpires were Roy Capps, Buford Gosnell and Walt Glover. Softball game today will be played between the Kilowntters and Soumerco. Softball on Thursday afternoon between Ball-the-Jacks and Bush whackers. Miss Susan Harper has as guests her brother, David N. Harper of Detroit and her niece, Kiss Flor ence Elizabeth Harper of Allen town, Pa. New - Indirect Lighting Mmk We have a nice selection of Table 1 and Floor Lamps that will give you the greatest amount of light for the least money. J Table Lamps... $2.25 to $5.00 y Floor Lamps... $6.75 to $7.25 With the Night Safety Light m the Base Also A New Assortment Steel Kitchen Stools at $1.50 Night Tables (with drawers) $3.75, $4.75 The Ballenger Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Burnett, Claude Smith and Marshall Ballew attended the Birmingham-Spartan burg Junior League baseball game at Columbia, S. C., on Tuesday. Spartanburg won 5 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kerlin and children Bobby, Ann Marie and John, of Washington, D. C., are guests of Mir. and «Mlrs. Miller C. F aster in the Bandbox at Lake Lanier. MV. Kerlin is administra tive assistant to Secretary of Com merce Harry Hopkins. I want some work. Will takeM> a job by the hour, or will work one day a week, or will take a regular job as caretaker. Can do all kinds of yard work, planting, laying stone and general repairing. If yon can use a man at least one day a week please write me a card and I’ll come see you about it. D. C. “Doc” Petit, Tryon Route One.—Adv. t£.