BUYING CHEAP MERCHANDISE TO SAVE MONEY IS LIKE STOPPING A CLOCK TO SAVE TIME—THE BEST AT MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY Phone 4 Rev. George F. Taylor, D. D., professor of Bible at Converse college, last night addressed a meeting of the Landrum, S. C., Sunday school teachers and officers and others in the interests of the Interdenominational Rel ig i ous Training School which begins its sessions next week, Tuesday night, in the annex of the First Baptist church of Tryon. This combined meeting of the Methodist, Presby terian and Baptist churches of was held in the Baptist of that city and was well attended. Registrations should be made now through the superinten dent of a Sunday school or through Rev. Charles L. MteGavern, Tryon, who is registrar of the school. Mrs. Edward Addis is in St. Luke’s hospital for treatment.^ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ford have returned from their vacation in Florida. An old time social will be held at the Tryon First Baptist church, Tuesday at Bp. m. Admission one cent for each year of person’s age. Benefit of kitchen fund. Refresh ments. Fun.—Adv. 2tc. Wanted to buy or rent for win «r: US'ED FURNITURE; one ain straight legged table, four raight chairs, three simple sun chairs, two single beds and mat tresses in good condition, two bureaux. Call 73-W, or write Mrs. John Washburn.—Adv. ltc. * V Sturdy Boxen Puppies from The great fawnjClrampion Kniff vd Blutenau, 16 times best oi breed, and honors Green Pastures Kennels W .W. MoHf^Manager Mt. Mourne, North Carolina i. ! J TRYON MOTOR CQ. Inc., Parts & Service A daughter was born this morning at St. Luke’s hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rickman of Columbus. PEARS (Kieffer) For Sale at $1.50 per bushel. Apply to Dr. Louis Fuldner.—Adv. ts. LOST: Yale door key. Finder please return to Bulletin office.— Adv. 2tcfm. j Automobile Insurance in The I Travelers of Hartford or Fideli ty & Casualty Co., of New York meets financial responsibility laws of all states and Canada. R. H. Brady, Agent, Phone 100. W —^ ft— CALL RECTOR’S Cleaners & Dyers —for All Alterations Repair Work New Pockets Tailoring TELEPHONE 203 4 . ...